Dr. Masoud Dahmardeh

 | Post date: 2024/12/8 | 
Dr. Masoud Dahmardeh  ,Assistant


Research laboratory

Class schedule
 Email: mdahmardeh(At)iust.ac.ir
 Phone: (+9821) 77240540 Ext.: 3960
 Fax: ---
 Phone: (+9821) 73223960
 Postal code: 1684613114  
 Address: Iran University of Science & Technology, University St., Hengam St., Resalat Square, Tehran, Iran.
Persian Profile
Virtual lab  Scopus

     Education  | Honors and Awards | Courses  | Research Interests | Executive Responsibilites | Patents Projects | Memberships | Thesis | BooksJournals | Conferences


 Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, Canada
 M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
 B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran


  1. Battery Management System (BMS) Design with Automotive Applications

  2. Automotive Electronics

  3. Application of Advanced Control in Automotive


  1. Energy storage systems,
  2. Lithium ion battery modelling and control,
  3. Automotive electronics,
  4. Energy Harvesting,
  5. Micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS),


  1. Head of the Automotive Electronics and Electrical Group

  2. Assistant Professor, School of Automotive Engineering

  3. Cultural Director, School of Automotive Engineering (2018 – 2023)

  4. Member of the Strategic Team and Manager of Electrical Systems in the "National Vehicle Platform Project" at Iran University of Science and Technology and SAIPA (2015)


  1. Design, Simulation, and Manufacturing of Engine Control Unit (ECU) for a Gasoline Engine

  2. Design, Simulation, and Manufacturing of Battery Management System (BMS) for Automotive Battery Pack

  3. Design, Simulation, and Manufacturing of Battery Charger for Solar-Electric Vehicle "Khorshid-Yar"

  4. Design of Electrical Systems in the "National Automotive Platform" Project, including Electrical Distribution System (EDS), Battery System, Dashboard Display System, and In-Car Audio System


  1. Rezaei, Omid, Ali Rahdan, Sohrab Sardari, Masoud Dahmardeh, and Zhanle Wang. "A fuzzy robust two-stage unscented Kalman filter method for uncertainty and state of charge estimation of lithium-ion batteries." Journal of Energy Storage 68 (2023): 107883.
  2. Dahmardeh, Masoud, Pouria Rahimirad, and Masoud Masih-Tehrani. "A Modern Simple Power Prediction Index for Improving Battery Life." International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems 2022 (2022).
  3. Rezaei, Omid, et al. "A robust and fast active fault tolerant control for quadrotor applications with actuator fault’s unknown statistical characteristics." Journal of Vibration and Control (2022): 10775463221100062.
  4. Hosseini, Seyed Jalil, and Masoud Dahmardeh. "Conversion of a donut-shaped pattern to a directive one using a wide frequency band hive-shaped pattern director antenna." Electromagnetics 41.8 (2021): 557-569.
  5. Mokhtari, Ali, Masoud Masih-Tehrani, and Masoud Dahmardeh. "Control of electric vehicle hybrid energy storage systems considering aging and temperature effects." ELEKTRIKA-Journal of Electrical Engineering 20.2-2 (2021): 1-8.
  6. Molaeimanesh, Gholam Reza, and Masoud Dahmardeh. "Pore‐scale analysis of a PEM fuel cell cathode including carbon cloth gas diffusion layer by lattice Boltzmann method." Fuel Cells 21.3 (2021): 208-220.
  7. Hosseini, Seyed Jalil, and Masoud Dahmardeh. "Compact smile-like mode converter antenna with high power capacity level." Electromagnetics 41.4 (2021): 275-291.
  8. Akbari, Alireza, Masoud Dahmardeh, and Sayad Nasiri. "Optimization of the lookup table for a single-cylinder internal combustion engine." Journal of Mechanical Engineering 51.1 (2021): 39-47.
  9. Hosseini, Seyed Jalil, Masoud Dahmardeh, and Mohsen Yousefian. "A high power TEM to TE10 mode converter with 70% bandwidth." Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 35.3 (2021): 389-399.
  10. Molaeimanesh, G. R., SM Mirfallah Nasiry, and M. Dahmardeh. "Impact of configuration on the performance of a hybrid thermal management system including phase change material and water-cooling channels for Li-ion batteries." Applied Thermal Engineering 181 (2020): 116028.
  11. Niasar, Erfan Hamsayeh Abbasi, Masoud Dahmardeh, and Hamed Saeidi Googarchin. "Optimization of a piezoelectric energy harvester considering electrical fatigue." Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 31.12 (2020): 1443-1454.
  12. Masih-Tehrani, Masoud, Salman Ebrahimi-Nejad, and Masoud Dahmardeh. "Combined fuel consumption and emission optimization model for heavy construction equipment." Automation in Construction 110 (2020): 103007.
  13. Niasar, Erfan Hamsayeh Abbasi, Masoud Dahmardeh, and Hamed Saeidi Googarchin. "Roadway piezoelectric energy harvester design considering electrical and mechanical performances." Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 234.1 (2020): 32-48.
  14. Solouk, Mohammad Reza, Mohammad Hassan Shojaeefard, and Masoud Dahmardeh. "Parametric topology optimization of a MEMS gyroscope for automotive applications." Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 128 (2019): 389-404.
  15. Masih-Tehrani, Masoud, et al. "Wavelet-based power management for hybrid energy storage system." Journal of modern power systems and clean energy 7.4 (2019): 779-790.
  16. Yousefian, Mohsen, Seyed Jalil Hosseini, and Masoud Dahmardeh. "Compact broadband coaxial to rectangular waveguide transition." Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 33.9 (2019): 1239-1247.
  17. Rahimirad, Pouriya, Masoud Masih-Tehrani, and Masoud Dahmardeh. "Battery life investigation of a hybrid energy management system considering battery temperature effect." Int. J. Automot. Eng 9 (2019): 2966-2976.
  18. Khalkhali, Abolfazl, et al. "Optimal design and applicability of electric power steering system for automotive platform." Journal of Central South University 26.4 (2019): 839-851.
  19. Sajadinia, Hamed, Masoud Dahmardeh, and Mohammad Khalaj‐Amirhosseini. "Novel planar diplexer using branch‐line coupler." Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 60.11 (2018): 2773-2777.
  20. Azarbar, Ali, Masoud Dahmardeh, and Mohammad Mahdi Taskhiri. "Phased array antenna using MEMS phase shifter." Automotive Science and Engineering 8.2 (2018): 2730-2738.
  21. Shojaeefard, Mohammad Hassan, et al. "Optimal platform design using non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II and technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution; application to automotive suspension system." Engineering Optimization 50.3 (2018): 471-482.
  22. Masih-Tehrani, Masoud, and Masoud Dahmardeh. "A novel power distribution system employing state of available power estimation for a hybrid energy storage system." IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 65.8 (2017): 6676-6685.
  23. Xiao, Zhiming, et al. "Scaling approach toward nano electro-discharge machining: Nanoscale patterning of carbon nanotube forests." Microelectronic Engineering 150 (2016): 64-70.
  24. Luo, Yi, et al. "A resonant-heating stent for wireless endohyperthermia treatment of restenosis." Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 236 (2015): 323-333.
  25. Luo, Yi, et al. "RF-powered stent with integrated circuit breaker for safeguarded wireless hyperthermia treatment." Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 24.5 (2015): 1293-1302.
  26. Luo, Yi, Masoud Dahmardeh, and Kenichi Takahata. "Biocompatible circuit-breaker chip for thermal management of biomedical microsystems." Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 25.5 (2015): 055002.
  27. us Sarwar, Mirza Saquib, et al. "Batch-mode micropatterning of carbon nanotube forests using UV-LIGA assisted micro-electro-discharge machining." Journal of Materials Processing Technology 214.11 (2014): 2537-2544.
  28. Dahmardeh, Masoud, et al. "The effects of three-dimensional shaping of vertically aligned carbon-nanotube contacts for micro-electro-mechanical switches." Applied Physics Letters 103.23 (2013): 231606.
  29. Xiao, Zhiming, et al. "Cone-shaped forest of aligned carbon nanotubes: An alternative probe for scanning microscopy." Applied Physics Letters 103.17 (2013): 171603.
  30. Dahmardeh, Masoud, et al. "High‐power MEMS switch enabled by carbon‐nanotube contact and shape‐memory‐alloy actuator." physica status solidi (a) 210.4 (2013): 631-638.
  31. Saleh, Tanveer, et al. "Dry micro-electro-discharge machining of carbon-nanotube forests using sulphur-hexafluoride." Carbon 52 (2013): 288-295.
  32. Saleh, Tanveer, et al. "Transforming carbon nanotube forest from darkest absorber to reflective mirror." Applied Physics Letters 101.6 (2012): 061913.
  33. Saleh, Tanveer, et al. "Field-emission-assisted approach to dry micro-electro-discharge machining of carbon-nanotube forests." Journal of Applied Physics 110.10 (2011): 103305.
  34. Dahmardeh, Masoud, Ayaz Ghorbani, and Abdolali Abdipour. "Improved slow-wave active transmitting antenna with photonic band-gap and defected ground structure." AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 66.2 (2012): 122-127.
  35. Dahmardeh, Masoud, Alireza Nojeh, and Kenichi Takahata. "Possible mechanism in dry micro-electro-discharge machining of carbon-nanotube forests: A study of the effect of oxygen." Journal of Applied Physics 109.9 (2011): 093308.
  36. Khalid, Waqas, et al. "High-aspect-ratio, free-form patterning of carbon nanotube forests using micro-electro-discharge machining." Diamond and Related Materials 19.11 (2010): 1405-1410.  


  1. Luo, Yi, Masoud Dahmardeh, and Kenichi Takahata. "Biocompatible circuit-breaker chip for temperature regulation of electrothermally driven smart implants." 2015 28th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS). IEEE, 2015.
  2. Luo, Yi, et al. "Selective RF heating of resonant stent toward wireless endohyperthermia for restenosis inhibition." 2014 IEEE 27th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS). IEEE, 2014.
  3. Moghaddam, M. Vahdani, et al. "Field-emission from carbon nanotube cones fabricated by micro-electro-discharge machining." 2013 26th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference (IVNC). IEEE, 2013.
  4. Saleh, Tanveer, et al. "High-precision dry micro-electro-discharge machining of carbon-nanotube forests with ultralow discharge energy." 2012 IEEE 25th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS). IEEE, 2012.
  5. Dahmardeh, M., et al. "High-aspect-ratio, 3-D micromachining of carbon-nanotube forests by micro-electro-discharge machining in air." 2011 IEEE 24th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems. IEEE, 2011.
  6. Najar, Hadi, et al. "Combined FEA-Matlab Optimization of Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasound Transducer Cell." ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Vol. 44472. 2010.
  7. Dahmardeh, Masoud, Ayaz Ghorbani, and Abdolali Abdipour. "Active integrated antenna using photonic bandgap and defected ground structure." 2009 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation. IEEE, 2009.
  8. Masoud Dahmardeh, Ayaz Ghorbani, Abdolali Abdipour, “Active Integrated Antenna Enhanced Using Photonic Bandgap and Defected Ground Structure”, 2009 IEEE International Workshop on Antenna Technology - Small Antennas and Novel Metamaterials (USA-UCLA, iWAT2009).
  9.  Masoud Dahmardeh, Ayaz Ghorbani, Abdolali Abdipour, “Active Integrated Antenna Using Photonic Bandgap and Defected Ground Structure” The Third European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (Berlin-Germany, EuCAP2009).

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