Dr. Abolfazl Khalkhali

 | Post date: 2024/12/8 | 

Dr. Abolfazl Khalkhali ,Associate Professor

Body and Structure

Research laboratory

Class schedule

 Email: ab_khalkhali(At)iust.ac.ir
 Phone: (+9821) 77240540 Ext.: 3961
 Fax: ---
 Phone: (+9821) 73223961
 Postal code: 1684613114  
 Address: Iran University of Science & Technology, University St., Hengam St., Resalat Square, Tehran, Iran.
  Persian Profile
  Virtual lab
 Web of Science

     Education  | Honors and Awards | Courses  | Research Interests | Executive Responsibilites | Patents Projects | Memberships | Thesis | BooksJournals | Conferences


 Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering
 M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering
 B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Solid Mechanics


PhD: "Advanced Optimization Methods"

Master's Degree: "Finite Elements", "Design and Analysis of Vehicle Structures and Bodies", "Optimization", "Chassis System Design"

Bachelor's Degree: "Machine Component Design", "Computer-Aided Design of Automotive Components", "Chassis and Body Systems of Vehicles", "Strength of Materials II", "Statics", "Material Science", "Industrial Drafting"


  1. Automotive Body Structure Analysis and Design
  2. Finite Element Analysis
  3. Engineering Optimization
  4. Reliability-based and Robust Design
  5. GMDH Neural Network  


  1. Faculty Member, School of Automotive Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, from 2011 to present
  2. Scientific Secretary of the First National Congress on Application of Advanced Materials and Manufacturing, June 2017
  3. Deputy of Education and Research, School of Automotive Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, from 2011 to 2016
  4. Cultural Director, School of Automotive Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, from 2011 to 2014
  5. Executive Vice President of the Project, Secretary of the Steering and Executive Committees, and Director of Engineering and Integration Design in the National Platform Project, Iran University of Science and Technology, from 2013 to 2016
  6. Faculty Member, Islamic Azad University, East Tehran Branch, from 2007 to 2011
  7. Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Islamic Azad University, East Tehran Branch, from 2009 to 2010


Funded Research Projects:

1- Modeling bottom outlet gate loads using artificial neural network, Sponsored by the Grant Department, Research Office, Islamic Azad University-East Tehran Branch, 2010-2011.
2- Modeling and multi-objective optimization of NACA airfoil using GMDH and genetic algorithmusing GMDH and genetic algorithm, Sponsored by the Grant Department, Islamic Azad University-East Tehran Branch, 2009-2010.
3- Developing GEvoM software to deploys Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) simultaneously for optimal design of GMDH neural networks for modeling input-output data, , Sponsored by the Grant Department, Research Office, The University of Guilan, 2005-2006.


1- Finite Element Analysis using ABAQUS (2nd Edition) [in Persian], Dibagaran Tehran, 2014
2- Designing and Modeling in CATIA [in Persian], Dibagaran Tehran, 2014
3- Learning SolidWorks [in Persian], Dibagaran Tehran, 2014
4- Finite Element Analysis using ABAQUS (First Edition) [in Persian], Dibagaran Tehran, 2008
5- Technical Drawing [in Persian], Dibagaran Tehran, 2002

Simulation and sensitivity analysis of wear on the automotive brake pad
A Hatam, A Khalkhali
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 84, 106-123
Optimal platform design using non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II and technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution; application to automotiv...
MH Shojaeefard, A Khalkhali, H Faghihian, M Dahmardeh
Engineering Optimization 50 (3), 471-482
Hybrid multi-objective optimization of microstructural and mechanical properties of B 4 C/A356 composites fabricated by FSP using TOPSIS and modified NSGA-II
M Akbari, MH Shojaeefard, P Asadi, A Khalkhali
Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 27 (11), 2317-2333
Numerical investigation on automotive bumper structure improvements for pedestrian protection
MH Shojaeifard, A Khalkhali, SEN Rafsanjani, K Ghadirinejad
International journal of crashworthiness 22 (6), 635-653
A family base optimization of a developed nonlinear vehicle suspension model using gray family design algorithm
S Yarmohammadisatri, MH Shojaeefard, A Khalkhali
Nonlinear Dynamics 90 (1), 649-669
Wear Performance of A356 Matrix Composites Reinforced with Different Types of Reinforcing Particles
M Akbari, MH Shojaeefard, P Asadi, A Khalkhali
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 26 (9), 4297-4310
1 2017
Sensitivity analysis and optimization of hot-stamping process of automotive components using analysis of variance and Taguchi technique
A Khalkhali, H Noraie, M Sarmadi
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of …
2 2017
The effect of reinforcement type on the microstructure, mechanical properties, and wear resistance of A356 matrix composites produced by FSP
MH Shojaeefard, M Akbari, P Asadi, A Khalkhali
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 91 (1-4 …
5 2017
An efficient sensitivity analysis method for modified geometry of Macpherson suspension based on Pearson correlation coefficient
MH Shojaeefard, A Khalkhali, S Yarmohammadisatri
Vehicle System Dynamics 55 (6), 827-852
2 2017
Investigation on the best process criteria for lap joint friction stir welding of AA1100 aluminum alloy via Taguchi technique and ANOVA
A Khalkhali, M Sarmadi, E Sarikhani
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of …
1 2017
基于 TOPSIS 和改进 NSGA-Ⅱ 法的搅拌摩擦工艺制备 B_4C/A356 复合材料显微组织和力学性能的混合多目标优化 (英文)
Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 11, 001
Multicriteria optimization of mechanical properties of aluminum composites reinforced with different reinforcing particles type
M Akbari, P Asadi, P Zolghadr, A Khalkhali
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of …
1 2017
Wear and mechanical properties of surface hybrid metal matrix composites on Al–Si aluminum alloys fabricated by friction stir processing
M Akbari, MH Shojaeefard, P Asadi, A Khalkhali
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of …
1 2017
Reliability-based robust multi-objective optimization of a 5-DOF vehicle vibration model subjected to random road profiles
A Khalkhali, M Sarmadi, S Yousefi
Journal of Central South University 24 (1), 104-113
1 2017
Parametric Modal Study and Optimization of the Floor Pan of a B-Segment Automotive Using a Hybrid Method of Taguchi and a Newly Developed MCDM Model
MH Shojaeefard, A Khalkhali, AT Lahijani
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 13 (16), 3039-3061
1 2016
Sensitivity enhancement of a MEMS sensor in nonlinear regime
AR Kivi, S Azizi, A Khalkhali
International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design 12 (3), 337-351
5 2016
Multi-objective crashworthiness optimization of perforated square tubes using modified NSGAII and MOPSO
A Khalkhali, M Mostafapour, SM Tabatabaie, B Ansari
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 54 (1), 45-61
9 2016
Multi-criteria decision making approach for selecting the best friction distribution in superplastic forming of a vehicle component
MH Shojaeefard, A Khalkhali, E Miandoabchi
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of …
3 2016
Multi-objective optimization of a natural aspirated three-cylinder spark ignition engine using modified non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm and multicriteria decis...
MH Shojaeefard, A Khalkhali, A Firouzgan
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 8 (2), 025705
2 2016
Optimal design of functionally graded PmPV/CNT nanocomposite cylindrical tube for purpose of torque transmission
A Khalkhali, S Khakshournia, P Saberi
Journal of Central South University 23 (2), 362-369
3 2016
Intake manifold flow assessment on a 3-cylinder natural aspirated downsized engine using CFD and GT-SUITE
MH Shojaefard, A Khalkhali, A Firouzgan
International Journal of Engineering-Transactions B: Applications 29 (2), 255
2 2016
Probabilistic multi-objective optimization of a corrugated-core sandwich structure
A Khalkhali, M Sarmadi, S Khakshournia, N Jafari
Geomechanics and Engineering 10 (6), 709-726
Effect of tool pin profile on distribution of reinforcement particles during friction stir processing of B4C/aluminum composites
MH Shojaeefard, M Akbari, A Khalkhali, P Asadi
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of …
10 2016
The effect of in-process cooling conditions on temperature, force, wear resistance, microstructural, and mechanical properties of friction stir processed A356
M Akbari, A Khalkhali, SME Keshavarz, E Sarikhani
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of …
9 2016
MH Shojaeefard, A Khalkhali, A Firouzgan
International Journal of Engineering-Transactions B: Applications 28 (11), 1663
1 2015
Investigation on the optimal simplified model of BIW structure using FEM
MH Shojaeefard, A Khalkhali, M Sarmadi, N Hamzehi
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 12 (10), 1972-1990
2 2015
Modeling and optimization of nanofluid flow in flat tubes using a combination of CFD and response surface methodology
H Safikhani, A Abbassi, A Khalkhali, M Kalteh
Heat Transfer—Asian Research 44 (4), 377-395
2 2015
Investigation of friction stir welding tool parameters using FEM and neural network
MH Shojaeefard, A Khalkhali, M Akbari, P Asadi
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of …
25 2015
Multi-objective optimization of hybrid carbon/glass fiber reinforced epoxy composite automotive drive shaft
A Khalkhali, E Nikghalb, M Norouzian
International Journal of Engineering-Transactions A: Basics 28 (4), 583
5 2015
Side panel of B-Class body in white vehicle design and side crash finite element simulation
Investigation of the effect of friction stir processing parameters on temperature and forces of Al–Si aluminum alloys
M Akbari, A Khalkhali, SME Keshavarz, E Sarikhani
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of …
7 2015
Finite element simulation of microstructure evolution during friction stir welding of automotive aluminum parts
A Khalkhali, MJ Saranjam
International Journal of Automotive Engineering 5, 932-938
1 2015
A new method to calculate centrifugal pump performance parameters for industrial oils
MH Shojaeefard, BS Rizi, A Khalkhali, M Tahani
Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics 8 (4), 673-681
2 2015
Best compromising crashworthiness design of automotive S-rail using TOPSIS and modified NSGAII
A Khalkhali
Journal of Central South University 22 (1), 121-133
10 2015
Optimization of microstructural and mechanical properties of friction stir welding using the cellular automaton and Taguchi method
MH Shojaeefard, M Akbari, A Khalkhali, P Asadi, AH Parivar
Materials & Design 64, 660-666
20 2014
Multi-objective optimization of nanofluid flow in flat tubes using CFD, Artificial Neural Networks and genetic algorithms
H Safikhani, A Abbassi, A Khalkhali, M Kalteh
Advanced Powder Technology 25 (5), 1608-1617
32 2014
A hybrid method of FEM, modified NSGAII and TOPSIS for structural optimization of sandwich panels with corrugated core
A Khalkhali, S Khakshournia, N Nariman-Zadeh
Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials 16 (4), 398-417
14 2014
Effects of Process Parameters on Superplastic Forming of a License Plate Pocket Panel
MH Shojaeefard, A Khalkhali, E Miandoabchi
International Journal of Advanced Design and Manufacturing Technology 7 (2), 25
Multi-objective suspension optimization of a 5-DOF vehicle vibration model excited by random road profile
MH Shojaeefard, A Khalkhali, PS Erfani
International Journal of Advanced Design and Manufacturing Technology 7 (1), 1
7 2014
Multi objective optimization of the centrifugal oil pump impeller
MH Shojaeefard, A Khalkhali, M Tahani, RB SALIMIAN
1 2014
Multi-objective optimization of a CNT/polymer nanocomposite automotive drive shaft
MH Shojaeefard, A Khalkhali, S Khakshournia
3rd International Conference on Design Engineering and Science (ICDES …
2 2014
Static and modal analysis of parabolic-boundary functionalized Carbon nanotube-reinforced composite plates using FEM
FMH SHOJAEE, A Khalkhali, SH Khakshournia, F Malmir
International Journal of Nano Dimension (IJND) 5 (216), 187-196
5 2014
Modeling and Prediction of FRP Composite Cylinder tubes Crashworthiness Characteristics
A Khalkhali, M Afroosheh, MR Seyedi
Application of Taguchi optimization technique in determining aluminum to brass friction stir welding parameters
MH Shojaeefard, A Khalkhali, M Akbari, M Tahani
Materials & Design (1980-2015) 52, 587-592
33 2013
A hybrid method of modified NSGA-II and TOPSIS to optimize performance and emissions of a diesel engine using biodiesel
MM Etghani, MH Shojaeefard, A Khalkhali, M Akbari
Applied Thermal Engineering 59 (1-2), 309-315
43 2013
Optimal design of sandwich panels using multi-objective genetic algorithm and finite element method
A Khalkhali, N Narimanzadeh, S Khakshournia, S Amiri
International Journal of Engineering-Transactions C: Aspects 27 (3), 395
9 2013
A parametric study for improving the centrifugal pump impeller for use in viscous fluid pumping
MH Shojaeefard, M Tahani, A Khalkhali, MB Ehghaghi, H Fallah, ...
Heat and Mass Transfer 49 (2), 197-206
11 2013
Multi-objective optimization of a projectile tip for normal penetration
A Khalkhali, S Roshanfekr, M Toraabic
1 2013
Closed-form solution for peak crushing force of the S-rails
1 2013
Artificial neural networks based prediction of performance and exhaust emissions in direct injection engine using castor oil biodiesel-diesel blends
MH Shojaeefard, MM Etghani, M Akbari, A Khalkhali, B Ghobadian
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 4 (6), 063130
2 2012
Applying evolutionary optimization on the airfoil design
H Safikhani
Journal of Computational & Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering …
3 2012
Explosive welding of unequal surface using groove method
M Tabatabaee Ghomi, J Mahmoudi, A Khalkhali, G Liaghat
Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering 36 (2), 113-125
1 2012
Multi-objective Crashworthiness Optimization of the Aluminum Foam-filled Tubes
A Khalkhali, MS SAMAREH
International Journal of Automotive Engineering 2 (3), 193-206
5 2012
Pareto based multi-objective optimization of a cyclone vortex finder using CFD, GMDH type neural networks and genetic algorithms
A Khalkhali, H Safikhani
Engineering Optimization 44 (1), 105-118
22 2012
Experimental and numerical investigation into the quasi-static crushing behaviour of the S-shape square tubes
A Khalkhali, A Masoumi, A Darvizeh, M Jafari, A Shiri
Journal of Mechanics 27 (4), 585-596
8 2011
Optimal Shape Design Approach and Influence on the Projectile Vertices with Respect to Some Objective Function
A Sanaei, A Khalkhali, NN Zadeh, M Hasanabdolahi
International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology, 3rd,(ICMET …
Pareto based multi-objective optimization of centrifugal pumps using CFD, neural networks and genetic algorithms
H Safikhani, A Khalkhali, M Farajpoor
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 5 (1), 37-48
33 2011
Modeling and multi-objective optimization of forward-curved blade centrifugal fans using CFD and neural networks
A Khalkhali, M Farajpoor, H Safikhani
Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering 35 (1), 63-79
20 2011
Reliability-based robust multi-objective crashworthiness optimisation of S-shaped box beams with parametric uncertainties
A Khakhali, N Nariman-Zadeh, A Darvizeh, A Masoumi, B Notghi
International Journal of Crashworthiness 15 (4), 443-456
42 2010
Thermocapillary effects in liquid systems of variable mass confined in a non-isothermal container
MM El-Gammal, JM Floryan Jr, D Younesian, E Ghafoori, M Sadeghpour, ...
Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering 34 (3-4), 309
Robust Design of S-Shaped Box Beams Subjected to Compressive Load
A Khakhali, A Darvizeh, A Masoumi, N Nariman-Zadeh, A Shiri
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2010
1 2010
Modeling and multi-objective optimization of centrifugal pumps using CFD and neural networks
H Safikhani, A Nourbakhsh, A Khalkhali, N Nariman-Zadeh
2nd International Conference on Engineering Optimization, Lisbon, Portugal
1 2010
Pareto based multi-objective optimization of solar thermal energy storage using genetic algorithms
A Khalkhali, M Sadafi, J Rezapour, H Safikhani
Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering 34 (3-4), 463
7 2010
Modelling of multiple short-length-scale stall cells in an axial compressor using evolved GMDH neural networks
N Amanifard, N Nariman-Zadeh, MH Farahani, A Khalkhali
Energy Conversion and Management 49 (10), 2588-2594
50 2008
Post buckling modelling and optimization of sandwich panels with corrugated cores
H Asadi, M Gorji, D Ashouri, A Khalkhali
WSEAS International Conference. Proceedings. Mathematics and Computers in …
5 2008
Modelling and Pareto optimization of heat transfer and flow coefficients in microchannels using GMDH type neural networks and genetic algorithms
N Amanifard, N Nariman-Zadeh, M Borji, A Khalkhali, A Habibdoust
Energy Conversion and Management 49 (2), 311-325
81 2008
Modelling and multi-objective optimization of a variable valve-timing spark-ignition engine using polynomial neural networks and evolutionary algorithms
K Atashkari, N Nariman-Zadeh, M Gölcü, A Khalkhali, A Jamali
Energy Conversion and Management 48 (3), 1029-1041
125 2007
Modeling and optimization of sandwich panels with corrugated cores
A Khalkhali, H Asadi, M Gorji, D Ashouri
Proceedings of the 3rd WSEAS International Conference on Applied and …
Multi-objective optimization of abrasive flow machining processes using polynomial neural networks and genetic algorithms
M Ali-Tavoli, N Nariman-Zadeh, A Khakhali, M Mehran
Machining Science and Technology 10 (4), 491-510
32 2006
Numerical Study on the Crushing Behavior of Square Tubes Under Three Dimensional Oblique Loading
A Khalkhali, M Sarmadi, A Bodaghi
Concept design of Vehicle Structure for the purpose of computing torsional and bending stiffness
MM Kabir, M Izanloo, A Khalkhali
Improving an automotive bumper structure for pedestrian protection
MH Shojaeefard, A Khalkhali, K Ghadirinejad
The Optimal Design of Composite Energy Absorptions with Multiple Cell Sections
H Ghezelbash, NN Zadeh, A Khalkhali
Modelling and Multi-objective Optimization of a Variable Valve-timing Spark-ignition Engine using Neural Networks and GAs
A Khalkhali, K Atashkari, N Nariman-zadeh, A Jamali, M Gölcü
Modeling and Multi-Objective Optimization of 4-Digit NACA Airfoils Using Genetic Algorithms
A Khalkhali, H Safikhani, A Nourbakhsh, N Nariman-Zadeh
2nd International Conference on Engineering Optimization


  • More than 40 papers have been published in international conferences.


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Dr. Abolfazl Khalkhali

 | Post date: 2014/03/26 | 


Dr. Abolfazl Khalkhali

Associate Professor

School of Automotive Engineering

Email: ab_khalkhali@iust.ac.ir

Tel: +98-21-77491224AWT IMAGE+98-21-77491224



Education and qualifications 

Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering

M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering

B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Solid Mechanics


1- Automotive Body Structure Analysis and Design

2- Finite Element Analysis

3- Engineering Optimization

4- Reliability-based and Robust Design

5- GMDH Neural Network

Journal Papers

- Publications list on the Scopus

- Publications list on the Google Scholar

1. M. Tabatabaee Ghomi, J. Mahmoudi, A. Khalkhali, G. Liaghat, Explosive Welding of Unequal Surface using Groove Method, , (2012), Transaction of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, Article in press.

2. A. Khakhali, A. Darvizeh, A. Masoumi, N. Nariman-zadeh, Experimental and Numerical Investigation into the Quasistatic Crushing Behaviour of the S-shape Square tubes, (2011), Journal of Mechanics, Article in press.

3. Abolfazl Khalkhali and Hamed Safikhani, Pareto Based Multi-Objective Optimization of Cyclone Vortex Finder using CFD, GMDH Type Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, (2011), Engineering Optimization, Article in press.

4. A. Khalkhali, Mehdi Farajpoor, Hamed Safikhani, Modeling and Multi-Objective Optimization of Forward-Curved Blades Centrifugal Fans using CFD and Neural Networks, (2011), Transaction of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, Article in press.

5. Hamed Safikhani,A. Khalkhali, Mehdi Farajpoor, Pareto Based Multi-Objective Optimization of Centrifugal Pumps Using CFD, Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, (2011), Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 37-48

6. A. Khalkhali, Mohamadhosein Sadafi, Javad Rezapour, Hamed Safikhani, PARETO BASED MULTI-OBJECTIVE OPTIMIZATION OF SOLAR THERMAL ENERGY STORAGE USING GENETIC ALGORITHMS, (2010), Transaction of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 34, No. 3–4.

7. A. Khakhali, A. Darvizeh, A. Masoumi, N. Nariman-Zadeh, A. Shiri, Robust Design of S-Shaped Box Beams Subjected to Compressive Load, (2010), Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2010, Article ID 627501, 18 pages

8. A. Khakhali, Nader Nariman-zadeh; A. Darvizeh, A. Masoumi, B. Notghi, Reliability-based robust multi-objective crashworthiness optimisation of S-shaped box beams with parametric uncertainties, (2010), Int. J. of Crashworthiness, Volume 15, Issue 4, pages 443 - 456

9. M. Alitavoli, N. Nariman-zadeh, A. Khalkhali, M. Mehran, Multi-objective Optimization of Abrasive Flow Machining Processes using Polynomial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, (2006), Journal of Machining Science and Technology

10. K. Atashkari, N. Nariman-Zadeh, M. Go¨lcu, A. Khalkhali, A. Jamali, Modelling and Multi-objective Optimization of a Variable Valve-timing Spark-ignition Engine using Polynomial Neural Networks and Evolutionary Algorithms, (2007), Journal of Energy Conversion and Management 48 (2007) 1029–1041

11. N. Amanifard, N. Nariman-Zadeh, M. Borji, A. Khalkhali, A. Habibdoust, Modelling and Pareto optimization of heat transfer and flow coefficients in micro channels using GMDH type neural networks and genetic algorithms, (2008) , Journal of Energy Conversion and Management 49 (2008) 311–325

12. N. Amanifard, N. Nariman-Zadeh, M.H. Farahani, A. Khalkhali, Modelling of multiple short-length-scale stall cells in an axial compressor using evolved GMDH neural networks, (2008), Journal of Energy Conversion and Management 49 (2008) 2588–2594

13. A. Khalkhali, S. Samareh Mousavi, Multi-objective Crashworthiness Optimization of the Aluminum Foam-filled Tubes, International Journal of Automotive Engineering, Vol. 2, Number 3, July (2012) 193-206.

14. A. Khakhali, H. Safikhani, Applying evolutionary optimization on the airfoil design, Journal of Computational and Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering, (2012), Article in press.


Conference Papers

More than 40 papers have been published in international conferences.


1- Finite Element Analysis using ABAQUS (2nd Edition) [in Persian], Dibagaran Tehran, 2014

2- Designing and Modeling in CATIA [in Persian], Dibagaran Tehran, 2014

3- Learning SolidWorks [in Persian], Dibagaran Tehran, 2014

4- Finite Element Analysis using ABAQUS (First Edition) [in Persian], Dibagaran Tehran, 2008

5- Technical Drawing [in Persian], Dibagaran Tehran, 2002

Funded Research Projects

1- Modeling bottom outlet gate loads using artificial neural network, Sponsored by the Grant Department, Research Office, Islamic Azad University-East Tehran Branch, 2010-2011.

2- Modeling and multi-objective optimization of NACA airfoil using GMDH and genetic algorithmusing GMDH and genetic algorithm, Sponsored by the Grant Department, Islamic Azad University-East Tehran Branch, 2009-2010.

3- Developing GEvoM software to deploys Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) simultaneously for optimal design of GMDH neural networks for modeling input-output data, , Sponsored by the Grant Department, Research Office, The University of Guilan, 2005-2006.



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