Dr. Morteza Mollajafari

 | Post date: 2024/12/8 | 

Dr. Morteza Mollajafari ,Assistant

Body and Structure

Research laboratory

Class schedule
 Email : mollajafari(At)iust.ac.ir
 Phone: (+9821) 77240540 Ext.: 3958
 Fax: ---
 Phone: (+9821) 73223958
 Postal code: 1684613114  
 Address: Iran University of Science & Technology, University St., Hengam St., Resalat Square, Tehran, Iran.
Persian Profile
  Virtual lab

     Education  | Honors and Awards | Courses  | Research Interests | Executive Responsibilites | Patents Projects | Memberships | Thesis | BooksJournals | Conferences


 Ph.D. in Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran
 M.Sc. in Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran
 B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, K.N. Toosi University of Technology (K.N.T.U), Tehran, Iran


Top PhD Student in the Country‎، 1395
Win ‎World Award‎ WSIS Prize and Champions‎ In the years ‎2011، 2015 And 2021


  1. ‎Optimization, [M.Sc., Department of Electrical and Electronics, Department of Automotive Engineering, Faculty of Automotive Engineering, February 2023‎
  2. ‎Optimization, [Ph.D. and M.Sc., Department of Automotive Engineering, All Departments, October 2022]‎
  3. ‎ ‎Application of Microcontrollers in Cars, [M.Sc., Department of Electrical and Electronics, Department of Electrical and Electronics, October 2022]‎
  4. ‎ ‎‎Power Transmission Systems in Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, [M.Sc., Faculty of Automotive Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronics, October 2022‎]
  5. Automotive ‎ Technology, [M.Sc., Department of Automotive Engineering, October 2022]‎
  6. ‎Optimization, [Ph.D. and M.Sc., Department of Automotive Engineering, All Departments, February 2022]‎‎
  7. Application of Microcontrollers in Vehicles, [Ph.D. and Master, Faculty of Automotive Engineering, All Departments, February 2022]‎‎
  8. Electric Cars with Automotive Applications, [M.Sc., Department of Electrical and Electronics, Department of Electrical and Electronics,‎ [M.Sc., Department of Automotive Engineering, Department of Automotive Engineering, October 2021]‎
  9. ‎ Power Transmission Systems in Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, [M.Sc., Department of Electrical and Electronics, Department of Electrical and Electronics, [M.Sc., Department of Electrical and Electronics, October 2021]‎
  10. ‎ ‎Automotive Technology, [M.Sc., Department of Automotive Engineering, October 2021]‎
  11. ‎ ‎Electric Cars with Automotive Applications, [M.Sc., Department of Electrical and Electronics, Department of Electrical and Electronics, October 2020]‎
  12. ‎ ‎Application of Microcontrollers in Cars, [M.Sc., Department of Automotive Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronics, February 2021]‎
  13. ‎ ‎Testability and Design of Testable Systems, [M.Sc., Department of Automotive Engineering, Department of Digital Electronics, October 2021]‎
  14. ‎ ‎Design of Ultra-Compact Integrated Circuits (VLSI), [M.Sc., Department of Digital Electronics, Department of Automotive Engineering, February 2020]‎

  Research Areas:
  1. ‎Electric & Hybrid‎
  2. ‎Vehicles Smart & Autonomous ‎
  3. ‎Vehicles Connected ‎
  4. Cars Optimization 



  1. ‎Assistant Professor Iran University of Science and Technology‎
  2. ‎Director of R&D Unit of Research Company‎
  3. ‎Director of the Electronics Department of Phoenix Aerospace Industries‎
  4. ‎Director of Automotive Projects at Ghadir Research Center‎
  5. ‎Technical Manager of Behinsazan Nasir Company‎
  6. ‎Executive Director of the School of Automotive Engineering‎
  7. ‎Director of Industry Relations of the Faculty of Automotive Engineering‎
  8. ‎Executive Secretary of the 1st International Conference on Marine Propulsion, Iran University of Science and Technology‎
  9. ‎Executive Secretary of the 1st National Conference on Lithium Battery, Iran University of Science and Technology‎
  10. ‎Executive Secretary of the 2nd National and 1st International Conference on Lithium Battery, Iran University of Science and Technology‎

 ‎Industrial products have technology level:‎
  1. ‎Automatic Esterifier Machine with Ethylene Oxide Gas‎
  2. ‎All-wheel drive vehicle‎
  3. ‎ High Speed Water Based Mechanical Seal Testing Machine‎
  4. ‎Fluid Pressure Supply and Control System of Mechanical Seal Machine‎
  5. ‎Vibrating Absorber Base‎
  6. ‎High-speed and anti-vibration gearbox‎
  7. ‎Control and Automation System of Mechanical Flood Machine‎
  8. ‎Remote Control Sweeping Car‎
  9. ‎Advanced Driver Assistance Automotive Gadget (ADAS)‎
  10. ‎Design and Manufacture of Automotive Relays‎
  11. ‎12 to 50 incremental converter for automotive applications‎
  12. ‎Lithium Battery Tester Machine‎
  13. ‎Design and construction of power supplies for bank nozzles‎
  14. ‎Smart Home with IoT Technology ‎
  15. ‎Modular Aircraft‎
  16. ‎Virtual Reality Software Wagon and Railway Lines Simulator‎
  17. ‎Semi-Industrial FPGA Processing Board‎
  18. ‎STM32F-1 Based Industrial and Educational Development Board‎
  19. ‎Routing Robot with PID Algorithm‎
  20. ‎Detachable Modular Imaging Quadrator ‎
  21. ‎Wireless Human Hand Simulator‎
  22. ‎Industrial Development Board Based on ARM Cortex-M4 Microcontroller‎
  23. ‎In-rail ball controller with PID controller‎
  24. ‎Home mobile physiotherapy machine‎
  25. ‎Send audio wirelessly‎
  26. ‎Solar Water System for Solar Panel‎
  27. ‎Intelligent Power Consumption Controller‎
  28. ‎Digital Balance ‎

  1. Member of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Data Mining, 2017
  2. Editor of the international magazine Big Data and Cloud Innovation from WHOCE publications
  3. Member of IEEE cloud computing committee and study group; (IEEE Cloud Computing Community)
  4. Member of the Scientific Committee of the 28th Annual International Conference of the Society of Mechanical Engineers of Iran (ISME2020)
  5. Member of the scientific committee of the first conference on recent developments and future trends of the automobile, Iran University of Science and Technology, 2019
  6. Member of the scientific committee of the first national lithium battery conference, Iran University of Science and Technology, 1400
  7. Member of the scientific committee of the GC-Technology 2020 Porto Portugal conference
  8. Member of the Scientific Committee of the 12th International Conference on Internal Combustion Engines and Oil, Iranian Motor Scientific Association, 1400.
  9. Member of the scientific committee of the first international conference and the third national conference of marine propulsion, Iran University of Science and Technology, 1401.
  10. Member of the Scientific Committee of the 21st International Conference of Iran Aerospace Society, 1401.
  11. Member of the Scientific Committee of the 31st Annual International Conference of Mechanical Engineers of Iran and the 9th Conference of Iran's Power Plant Industry, 1402.
  1. Member of Canadian Electronics and Computer Association, ACEE
  1. Reviewer of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence magazine
  2. Reviewer of Electronics Letters from IET Publications
  3. IEEE Access Journal reviewer
  4. Reviewer of Process magazine from MDPI publications
  5. Reviewer of Sustainability magazine from MDPI publications
  6. Reviewer of International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems from MDPI publications
  7. Reviewer of World Electric Vehicle Journal from MDPI publications
  8. Referee of the Scientific-Research Quarterly of Command and Control (C4I)
  9. Referee of the scientific journal of the Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers
  10. Reviewer of the scientific journal of aerospace mechanics
  11. Referee of Iranian Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering Quarterly
  12. Reviewer of ISI "Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing" Springer Publications
  13. Reviewer of ISI magazine "Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering"
  14. Reviewer of a scientific-research journal with Scopus index titled "KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems"
  15. Reviewer of the electronic and cyber defense scientific journal
  16. Reviewer of Computers and Electrical Engineering, Elsevier
  17. Reviewer of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier
  18. Reviewer of Expert Systems With Applications, Elsevier
  19. Reviewer of Energy Conversion and Management journal, Elsevier
  20. Reviewer of Scopus Mechanical Engineering for Society and Industry, Indonesia
  21. Reviewer of Artificial Intelligence Review, Springer
  22. Reviewer of Cluster Computing Journal, Springer
  23. Reviewer of Scientific Reports, Springer
  24. Reviewer of Supercomputer Journal, Springer
  25. Referee of the second national conference and the first international conference of lithium batteries, Tehran, Iran University of Science and Technology, 1403

Masters Thesis Guidance:
  1. ‎Designing an Efficient Adaptive Cruise Control System in Rainy Conditions‎
  2. ‎Optimization of Signaled Intersection Control in Connected Vehicle Environments with the Aim of Improving Passage‎
  3. ‎Optimization of power steering auxiliary torque to ensure that the driver feels steerable‎
  4. ‎Turbocharger Noise Reduction Using Compressor Inlet Duct Design Optimization‎
  5. ‎Optimization of Transportation Fleet Routing with Heterogeneous Capacity and Warehouses ‎
  6. ‎Intelligent Active Balancing Design For Connecting Lithium Ion Battery Series‎
  7. ‎Absorbing Tire Vibrations for Energy Harvesting for Application in TPMS Sensor‎
  8. ‎Optimal Location of Base Node of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations with the Aim of Reducing Economic Cost for Areas of Tehran‎
  9. ‎Trail Design as a Sequence at an Intelligent Collaborative Intersection Using Machine Learning Method‎
  10. ‎Measuring the displacement of the bridge deck with the help of a drone‎
  11. ‎Smartening Port Cranes Using Non-Supervisory Learning Methods‎
  12. ‎Vibration Perception in Iranian Roads for Design of Mechanical Structures of Electric Vehicle Battery Packs Considering the Requirements of R100 Standard‎
  13. ‎Design and implementation of an autonomous vehicle model with the ability to detect and predict the path and behavior according to traffic signs based on deep learning‎
  14. ‎Estimating the Life of an Electric Vehicle Battery Using Machine Learning and Investigating it in Different Vehicle Working Conditions‎
  15. ‎Designing a Control Algorithm for Electric Steering, Noise Resistance and Modeling Errors‎
  16. ‎A Relationship for Predicting the Average Crushing Force in the Energy Absorption Process of Multicellular Structures Using Machine Learning Methods‎
  17. ‎Improving Electric Vehicle Performance with Regard to Battery Life Enhancement Approach Using Learning Techniques‎


‎ [1] "Evolutionary Algorithms: Foundations, Applications, Implementation", Iran University of Science and Technology Press, 1st Edition: 2012, 2nd Edition: 2018, ISBN: 978-964-45422-7-5. ‎
‎ [2] "Information Technology and Basic Concepts of Information Society", Iran University of Science and Technology Press, 2012, ISBN: 978-964-964-254-1. ‎
‎ [3] "The Development Process of Information and Communication Technology at a Glance", Farhangian Publications, 2013, ISBN: 978-964-9556-80-2. ‎
‎ [4] "ICT and the Development of the Private Sector", Farhangian Publications, 2013, ISBN: 978-964-95568-2-6. ‎
‎ [5] "A Guide to Collecting Management Data in the Field of ICT", Farhangian Publications, 2013, ISBN: 978-964-95568-7-1. ‎
‎ [6] "New Educational Technologies and the Status of Their Application in Schools in the World", Farhangian Publications, ISBN: 2018, 978-600-9-9-6. ‎
‎ [7] "Introduction to SDN Networks and the Openflow Protocol", Dibagaran Publications, ISBN: 978-622-218-349-3‎


[1] M. Mollajafari, H. S. Shahhoseini, “An efficient ACO-based algorithm for scheduling tasks onto dynamically reconfigurable hardware using TSP-likened construction graph,” Journal of Applied Intelligence, Springer, Vol. 45, No. 3, pp. 695-712, 2016.
[2] M. Mollajafari, H. S. Shahhoseini, “A Cost-Optimized GA-Based Heuristic for Scheduling Time-Constrained Workflow Applications in Infrastructure Clouds Using an Innovative Feasibility-Assured Decoding Mechanism,” Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 32, No. 6, pp. 1541-1560, 2016.
[3] H. S. Shahhoseini, E. Saleh, M. Mollajafari, “Non-Flat Surface Level Pyramid: A High Connectivity Multidimensional Interconnection Network”, Journal of Supercomputing; High Performance Computer Design, Analysis, and UseSpringer, Vol. 67, No. 1, pp. 31-46, 2013.
[4] P. Gholizadeh, H.S. Shahhoseini, M. Mollajafari, “Hyper-chaotic Feeded GA (HFGA): A Reversible Optimization Technique for Robust and Sensitive Image Encryption,” Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer, Vol. 77, No. 16, pp. 20385-20414, 2018.
[5] S.M. Mohtavipour, M. Mollajafari, A. Naseri, "A Novel Packet Exchanging Strategy For Preventing Hol-Blocking In Fat-Trees," Journal of Cluster Computing, Springer, 2019.
[6] S.M. Mohtavipour, M. Mollajafari, “An Analytically-Derived Reference Signal to Guarantee Safety and Comfort in Adaptive Cruise Control Systems,”, Journal of Intelligent Transpiration Systems; Technology, Planning and Operations, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 1-20, 2021.
[7] S.M. Mohtavipour, M. Mollajafari, A. Naseri, "A guaranteed-comfort and safe adaptive cruise control by considering driver’s acceptance level", International Journal of Dynamics and Control, Springer, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 966-980, 2019.
[8] M. Mollajafari, H. S. Shahhoseini, “A Repair-less Genetic Algorithm for Scheduling Tasks onto Dynamically Reconfigurable Hardware,” International Review on Computer and Software (I.RE.CO.S), Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 206-212, 2011.
[9] M. Mollajafari, M.A.Shokouhi, "Oak: AR Educational Mobile Apps for Elementary School Students," WSIS Forum 2019.
[10] M. Mollajafari, "ICT-based package solution for improving the quality of learning and teaching in K-12 schools," WSIS Forum 2018, Geneva, Switzerland, March 19, 2018.
[11] M. Mollajafari, M.H. Shojaeefard, "TC3PoP: a time-cost compromised workflow scheduling heuristic customized for cloud environments," Cluster Computing, Springer, 2021.
[12] M.H. Shojaeifard, M. Mollajafari, M. Masih-Tehrani, S.Tayebi, "A review on various control functions in adaptive cruise control systems," Journal of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 135, pp. 56-64, 2021.
[13] M.H. Shojaeifard, M. Mollajafari, M. Talebi Liasi, "A review on intelligent intersection management methods," Journal of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 135, pp. 44-55, 2021.
[14] M.H. Shojaeifard, M. Mollajafari, H.R. Mousavitabar, "A review on routing methods based on computational intelligence," Journal of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 136, pp. 44-55, 2021.
[15] S. Nazemi, M. Masih-Tehrani, M. Mollajafari, "GA Tuned H Infinity Roll Acceleration Controller Based on Series Active Variable Geometry Suspension on
Rough Roads ," International Journal of Vehicle Performance, 2021.
[16] S. Nazemi, M. Masih-Tehrani, M. Mollajafari, "GT Car's CG Height Control on a Rough Road by using Series Active Variable Geometry Suspension," Journal of Theoretical and Applied Vibration and Acoustics, 2021.
[17] M. Mollajafari, Farzad Kouhyar, "Simultaneous Optimization of Fuel and Electrical Energy Consumption in Forward-Looking Hybrid Electric Vehicle," Journal of Automotive Science and Engineering, 2022.
[18] M. Momen, S. Ebrahiminejad, M. Mollajafari, "A review of the parameters affecting the resonance of the tire cavity and its control strategies," Journal of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022.
[19] M.H. Shojaeefard, M. Mollajafari, S. Mousavitabar, "A TSP-based nested clustering approach to solve multi-depot heterogeneous fleet routing problem", Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería, Vol. 38, No.1, 1-13, 2022.
[20] E. Akbari, M. Mollajafari, H.M.R. Al-Khafaji, H. Alkattan, M. Abotaleb, M. Eslami, "Improved salp swarm optimization algorithm for damping controller design for multi-machine power system", IEEE Access, 2022.
[21] K. Karamnejadi Azar, A. Kakouee, M. Mollajafari, A. Majdi, "Developed Design of Battle Royale Optimizer for the Optimum Identification of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell", Sustainability, 2022.
[22] M.H. Shojaeefard, M. Mollajafari, M. Talebi, "Fuzzy Logic Timing Control for Standard Crossroad Lights", Modeling and Simulation in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2022.
[23] M. Negahban, M.V. Ardalani, M. Mollajafari, E. Akbari, "A Novel Control Strategy Based on an Adaptive Fuzzy Model Predictive Control for Frequency Regulation of a Microgrid with Uncertain and Time-Varying Parameters", IEEE Access, 2022.
[24] A. Rajabi, M. Mollajafari, S. S. Haghighi, "Development of an ILP Model for Optimal Site Selection and Sizing of Electric Vehicle Charging Station Using GA: a Case Study of Tehran", Automotive Science and Engineering, 2022.
[25] M. Mollajafari, J. Marzbanrad, P. Sanaei, "Investigating the Effect of Brake Parameters on Vehicle Dynamics for the Optimum Design", Automotive Science and Engineering, 2022.
[26] W. Xu, H. Han, Q. Li, M. Mollajafari, F. Scott, "Layerwise formulation of poroelastic composite plate under pre-buckling and thermal shock loading", Composite Structures, 2023.
[27] M. Ghorbani, S Ebrahimi-Nejad, M. Mollajafari, "Global-guidance chaotic multi-objective particle swarm optimization method for pneumatic suspension handling and ride quality enhancement on the basis of a thermodynamic model of a full vehicle", Journal of Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D, 2023.
[28] M. H. Shojaeefard, M. Mollajafari, N. E. Pishe, S. M. Mousavi, "Plug-in fuel cell vehicle performance and battery sizing optimization based on reduced fuel cell energy consumption and waste heat", Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2023.
[29] M. Ravanbod, S. Ebrahimi-Nejad, M. Mollajafari, B SalehiRad, "Porous liner coated inlet duct: a novel approach to attenuate automotive turbocharger inlet flow-induced sound propagation", Engineering Research Express, 2023.
[30] S. M. Mohtavipour, T. Z. Ehsan, H. J. Abeshoori, M. Mollajafari, "Smooth longitudinal driving strategy with adjustable nonlinear reference model for autonomous vehicles", International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 2023.
[31] M. Mollajafari, "An efficient lightweight algorithm for scheduling tasks onto dynamically reconfigurable hardware using graph-oriented simulated annealing," Neural Computing and Applications, 2023.
[32] M.H. Shojaeefard, M. Mollajafari, S. Ebrahimi-Nejad, S. Tayebi, "Weather-aware fuzzy adaptive cruise control: Dynamic reference signal design," Computers and Electrical Engineering, 2023.

[33]Mesdaghi, A. and Mollajafari, M., 2024. Improve performance and energy efficiency of plug-in fuel cell vehicles using connected cars with V2V communication. Energy Conversion and Management, 306, p.118296.

[34]Shojaeifard, M.H., Mollajafari, M., Talebi, M. and Naserian, M., 2024. A novel finite-time leader-follower consensus control for a disturbed mechanical nonlinear system in presence of actuator saturation. Automatika, 65(3), pp.1191-1200.

[35]Ravanbod M., Ebrahimi-Nejad, S., Mollajafari, M., “A thin-walled cavity structure with double-layer tapered scatterer locally resonant metamaterial plates for extreme low-frequency attenuation,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2024.112742.

[36]Shojaeefard, M.H., Mollajafari, M., Mousavitabar, S.H.R., “Heterogeneous Fleet Routing Problem Using Fuzzy Clustering Method by Considering Customer Demand Uncertainty,” Automotive Science and Engineering, Vol. 14 (1), pp. 4283, 4294, 2024.

  1. M. Mollajafari, H. S. Shahhoseini, “Improving Execution Time of Scheduling Tasks onto Dynamically Reconfigurable Hardware Using Accelerated SA,” IEEE International Conference on Computer and Network Technology (ICCNT), pp. 13-28, 2011.
  2. M. Mollajafari, H. S. Shahhoseini, “Low-Complexity Time-Cost Compromised Scheduling of Workflow Applications in Infrastructure Clouds,” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Network of the Future, Montreal, Canada, 2015.
  3. P. Golizadeh, H.S. Shahhoseini, M. Mollajafari, “Gene-Labeling: A Novel GA-Based Technique for Robust and Sensitive Image Encryption,” 2017 25th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE).
  4. M. Mollajafari, M.A. Shokouhi, "Oak: AR Educational Mobile Apps for Elementary School Students," International V.Turkcess Education and Social Sciences Congress, Istanbul, 27-29 June 2019.
  5. M. Mollajafari, Amin Mesdaghi , "An Overview of Connected Vehicles, Challenges, and Future Horizons," Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Internal Combustion Engines & Oil, Tehran, 22-24 February 2022.
  6. M. Mollajafari, Pouriya Sanei, "Optimizing Marine Diesel Engine Performance by Introducing Novel HW/SW Functions," Proceedings of the 1st International and 3rd National Conference on Marine Propulsion, Tehran, 14-15 February 2023.
  7. Seyed Ali Hoseini, M. Mollajafari, "Optimization and analysis of  ship engine torsion injection pattern based on evolutionary algorithms," Proceedings of the 1st International and 3rd National Conference on Marine Propulsion, Tehran, 14-15 February 2023.
  8. B. Salehirad, S. Ebrahimi-Nejad, M. Mollajafari, "Reducing turbocharger compressor noise at 1/3 octave band frequencies by improving the geometry of the compressor," 9th Congress on Acoustical Society of Iran, 2-4 May 2023.
  9. A. Rajabi, M. Mollajafari, P. Sanaei "An ILP Model and Optimal Placement Strategy for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations; Case Study of Tehran's Populated Areas," International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Vehicle, 24-25 May 2023.
  10. Mesdaghi, A. and Mollajafari, M., 2024. Improve performance and energy efficiency of plug-in fuel cell vehicles using connected cars with V2V communication. Energy Conversion and Management, 306, p.118296.
  11. Shojaeifard, M.H., Mollajafari, M., Talebi, M. and Naserian, M., 2024. A novel finite-time leader-follower consensus control for a disturbed mechanical nonlinear system in presence of actuator saturation. Automatika, 65(3), pp.1191-1200.
  12. Ravanbod M., Ebrahimi-Nejad, S., Mollajafari, M., “A thin-walled cavity structure with double-layer tapered scatterer locally resonant metamaterial plates for extreme low-frequency attenuation,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2024.112742.
  13. Shojaeefard, M.H., Mollajafari, M., Mousavitabar, S.H.R., “Heterogeneous Fleet Routing Problem Using Fuzzy Clustering Method by Considering Customer Demand Uncertainty,” Automotive Science and Engineering, Vol. 14 (1), pp. 4283, 4294, 2024.


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Dr. Morteza Mollajafari

 | Post date: 2020/03/9 | 

Assistant Professor

Faculty: School of Automotive Engineering

Department: Electronics and Electrical Department

Email: mollajafari (AT) iust.ac.ir

Tel: +98 21 77240540 Ext. 3958

Fax: +98 21 73021490

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=HK55pX8AAAAJ&hl=en

Education and qualifications

•  Ph.D. in Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran

•  M.Sc. in Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran

• B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, K.N. Toosi University of Technology (K.N.T.U), Tehran, Iran


- Connected Cars

- Autonoumous Vehicles

- Electric and Hybrid Cars

- Optimization

Journal Papers
[J33] M.H. Shojaeefard, M. Mollajafari, S. Ebrahimi-Nejad, S. Tayebi, "Weather-aware fuzzy adaptive cruise control: Dynamic reference signal design," Computers and Electrical Engineering, 2023.

[J32M. Mollajafari, "An efficient lightweight algorithm for scheduling tasks onto dynamically reconfigurable hardware using graph-oriented simulated annealing," Neural Computing and Applications, 2023.

[J31] S. M. Mohtavipour, T. Z. Ehsan, H. J. Abeshoori, M. Mollajafari, "Smooth longitudinal driving strategy with adjustable nonlinear reference model for autonomous vehicles", International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 2023.

[J30] M. Ravanbod, S. Ebrahimi-Nejad, M. Mollajafari, B SalehiRad, "Porous liner coated inlet duct: a novel approach to attenuate automotive turbocharger inlet flow-induced sound propagation", Engineering Research Express, 2023.

[J29] M. H. Shojaeefard, M. Mollajafari, N. E. Pishe, S. M. Mousavi, "Plug-in fuel cell vehicle performance and battery sizing optimization based on reduced fuel cell energy consumption and waste heat", Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2023.

[J28] M. Ghorbani, S Ebrahimi-Nejad, M. Mollajafari, "Global-guidance chaotic multi-objective particle swarm optimization method for pneumatic suspension handling and ride quality enhancement on the basis of a thermodynamic model of a full vehicle", Journal of Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D, 2023.

[J27] W. Xu, H. Han, Q. Li, M. Mollajafari, F. Scott, "Layerwise formulation of poroelastic composite plate under pre-buckling and thermal shock loading", Composite Structures, 2023.

[J26M. Mollajafari, J. Marzbanrad, P. Sanaei, "Investigating the Effect of Brake Parameters on Vehicle Dynamics for the Optimum Design", Automotive Science and Engineering, 2022.

[J25] A. Rajabi, M. Mollajafari, S. S. Haghighi, "Development of an ILP Model for Optimal Site Selection and Sizing of Electric Vehicle Charging Station Using GA: a Case Study of Tehran", Automotive Science and Engineering, 2022.

[J24] M. Negahban, M.V. Ardalani, M. Mollajafari, E. Akbari, "A Novel Control Strategy Based on an Adaptive Fuzzy Model Predictive Control for Frequency Regulation of a Microgrid with Uncertain and Time-Varying Parameters", IEEE Access, 2022.

[J23] M.H. Shojaeefard, M. Mollajafari, M. Talebi, "Fuzzy Logic Timing Control for Standard Crossroad Lights", Modeling and Simulation in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2022.

[J22] K. Karamnejadi Azar, A. Kakouee, M. Mollajafari, A. Majdi, "Developed Design of Battle Royale Optimizer for the Optimum Identification of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell", Sustainability, 2022.

[J21] Akbari, E., Mollajafari, M., Al-Khafaji, "Improved salp swarm optimization algorithm for damping controller design for multimachine power system," IEEE Access, Vol. 10,  pp. 82910-82922, 2022.

[J20] Shojaeefard, M.H., Mollajafari, M., Talebi, M., "Fuzzy Logic Timing Control for Standard Crossroad Lights," Modeling and Simulation in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 37-42, 2022.

[J19] Negahban, M., Ardalani, M.V., Mollajafari, M., "A Novel Control Strategy Based on an Adaptive Fuzzy Model Predictive Control for Frequency Regulation of a Microgrid with Uncertain and Time-Varying Parameters, IEEE Access, 2022.

[J18Mollajafari, M. and Kouhyar, F., "Simultaneous Optimization of Fuel and Electrical Energy Consumption in Forward-Looking Hybrid Electric Vehicle," Automotive Science and Engineering, Vol. 12, No 1, pp.3750-3761, 2022.

[J17] Karamnejadi Azar, K., Kakouee, A., Mollajafari, "Developed Design of Battle Royale Optimizer for the Optimum Identification of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell. Sustainability," Vol. 14, No. 16, pp. 9882, 2022.

[J16] M.H. Shojaeefard, M. Mollajafari, S. Mousavitabar, "A TSP-based nested clustering approach to solve multi-depot heterogeneous fleet routing problem," Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 1-13, 2022.

[J15] M. Momen, S. Ebrahiminejad, M. Mollajafari, "A review of the parameters affecting the resonance of the tire cavity and its control strategies," Journal of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 4, pp. 81-92, 2022.

[J14] S. Nazemi, M. Masih-Tehrani, M. Mollajafari, "GT Car's CG Height Control on a Rough Road by using Series Active Variable Geometry Suspension," Journal of Theoretical and Applied Vibration and Acoustics, 2021.

[J13M. Mollajafari, M.H. Shojaeefard, "TC3PoP: a time-cost compromised workflow scheduling heuristic customized for cloud environments," Cluster Computing, Springer, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 2639-2656, 2022.

[J12] S.M. Mohtavipour, M. Mollajafari, “An Analytically-Derived Reference Signal to Guarantee Safety and Comfort in Adaptive Cruise Control Systems,”, Journal of Intelligent Transpiration Systems; Technology, Planning and Operations, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 1-20, 2021.

[J11] S. Nazemi, M. Masih-Tehrani, M. Mollajafari, "GA Tuned H Infinity Roll Acceleration Controller Based on Series Active Variable Geometry Suspension on Rough Roads," International Journal of Vehicle Performance, 2021.

[J10] M.H. Shojaeifard, M. Mollajafari, M. Masih-Tehrani, S.Tayebi, "A review on various control functions in adaptive cruise control systems," Journal of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 135, pp. 56-64, 2021.

[J9] M.H. Shojaeifard, M. Mollajafari, M. Talebi Liasi, "A review on intelligent intersection management methods," Journal of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 135, pp. 44-55, 2021.

[J8] M.H. Shojaeifard, M. Mollajafari, H.R. Mousavitabar, "A review on routing methods based on computational intelligence," Journal of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 136, pp. 44-55, 2021.

[J7] S.M. Mohtavipour, M. Mollajafari, A. Naseri, "A guaranteed-comfort and safe adaptive cruise control by considering driver’s acceptance level", International Journal of Dynamics and Control, Springer, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 966-980, 2019.

[J6] S.M. Mohtavipour, M. Mollajafari, A. Naseri, "A Novel Packet Exchanging Strategy For Preventing Hol-Blocking In Fat-Trees," Journal of Cluster Computing, Springer, 2019.

[J5] P. Gholizadeh, H.S. Shahhoseini, M. Mollajafari, “Hyper-chaotic Feeded GA (HFGA): A Reversible Optimization Technique for Robust and Sensitive Image Encryption,” Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer, Vol. 77, No. 16, pp. 20385-20414, 2018.

[J4M. Mollajafari, H. S. Shahhoseini, “An efficient ACO-based algorithm for scheduling tasks onto dynamically reconfigurable hardware using TSP-likened construction graph,” Journal of Applied Intelligence, Springer, Vol. 45, No. 3, pp. 695-712, 2016.

[J3M. Mollajafari, H. S. Shahhoseini, “A Cost-Optimized GA-Based Heuristic for Scheduling Time-Constrained Workflow Applications in Infrastructure Clouds Using an Innovative Feasibility-Assured Decoding Mechanism,” Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 32, No. 6, pp. 1541-1560, 2016.

[J2] H. S. Shahhoseini, E. Saleh, M. Mollajafari, “Non-Flat Surface Level Pyramid: A High Connectivity Multidimensional Interconnection Network”, Journal of Supercomputing; High-Performance Computer Design, Analysis, and UseSpringer, Vol. 67, No. 1, pp. 31-46, 2013.

[J1M. Mollajafari, H. S. Shahhoseini, “A Repair-less Genetic Algorithm for Scheduling Tasks onto Dynamically Reconfigurable Hardware,” International Review on Computer and Software (I.RE.CO.S), Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 206-212, 2011.
Conference Papers
[C23] M.A. Mohammadaian, S. Ataei, M. Mollajafari, "A review of remote monitoring and inspection methods of bridges using UAV", 21st International Conference of Iran Aerospace Association, 2023.

[C22] A. Rajabi, M. Mollajafari, P. Sanaei "An ILP Model and Optimal Placement Strategy for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations; Case Study of Tehran's Populated Areas," International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Vehicle, 24-25 May 2023.

[C21] B. Salehirad, S. Ebrahimi-Nejad, M. Mollajafari, "Reducing turbocharger compressor noise at 1/3 octave band frequencies by improving the geometry of the compressor," 9th Congress on Acoustical Society of Iran, 2-4 May 2023.

[C20] Seyed Ali Hoseini, M. Mollajafari, "Optimization and analysis of  ship engine torsion injection pattern based on evolutionary algorithms," Proceedings of the 1st International and 3rd National Conference on Marine Propulsion, Tehran, 14-15 February 2023.

[C19] M. Mollajafari, Pouriya Sanei, "Optimizing Marine Diesel Engine Performance by Introducing Novel HW/SW Functions," Proceedings of the 1st International and 3rd National Conference on Marine Propulsion, Tehran, 14-15 February 2023.

[C18] M. Momen, S. Ebrahiminejad, M. Mollajafari, "Investigating the effect of the geometrical shape of the model on the amount of energy extracted from the piezoelectric single beam in the condition of a tire rotation," The second international conference on the application of materials and advanced manufacturing in industries, Tehran, 2022.

[C17] M.A. Mohammadian, S. Atayee, M. Mollajafari, "Application of drones in the inspection of bridges," The second international conference on the application of materials and advanced manufacturing in industries, Tehran, 2022.

[C16] M. Shaharazadfard, M. Mollajafari, S. Ebrahiminejad, "A review on the application of artificial neural networks in the structure and body of vehicles," The second international conference on the application of materials and advanced manufacturing in industries, Tehran, 2022.

[C15] M. Mollajafari, "A review on power electronics in connected cars," Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Internal Combustion Engines and Petroleum, Tehran, 2022.

[C14] M. Mollajafari, "An overview of automotive night vision technology, challenges, and future horizons," The Fifth National Conference on New Technologies in Electrical Engineering, Tehran, 22-24 February 2022.

[C13] M. Mollajafari, A. Mesdaghi, "An Overview of Connected Vehicles, Challenges, and Future Horizons,"  Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Internal Combustion Engines & Oil, Tehran, 22-24 February 2022.," 

[C12] M. Mollajafari, "Overview of the electric power steering system, structure, controllers and challenges," The Fifth National Conference on New Technologies in Electrical Engineering, 2022.

[C11] M.H. Shojaeefard, M. Mollajafari, A. S. Moghaddam, "A review of online charge level estimation method using slip mode estimator and its errors and comparison with other methods for lithium-ion batteries," First National Conference on Lithium Battery, 2021.

[C10] M.H. Shojaeefard, M. Mollajafari, A. S. Moghaddam, "Review of lithium battery balancing methods based on intelligent control algorithms," First National Conference on Lithium Battery, 2021.

[C9] M.H. Shojaeefard, M. Mollajafari, S.H.R. Mousavitabar, "Heterogeneous transport fleet routing with time windows," Automotive Industries Recent Advances and Future Trends, 2020.

[C8] M.H. Shojaeefard, M. Mollajafari, M.T. Liasi, "A clustering method for vehicle routing network by using adaptive neural fuzzy model," Automotive Industries Recent Advances and Future Trends, 2020.

[C7] M. Kamali, M. Mollajafari, "Production line of brushed DC motor with for automotive applications," Automotive Industries Recent Advances and Future Trends, 2020.

[C6] M. Mollajafari, S.N. Yahyavi, "Augmented reality (AR) -based mobile applications for elementary school," Fifth National Conference on Advanced Studies in Iranian Curriculum, 2019.

[C5M. Mollajafari, M.A. Shokouhi, "Oak: AR Educational Mobile Apps for Elementary School Students," International V.Turkcess Education and Social Sciences Congress, Istanbul, 27-29 June 2019.

[C4] P. Golizadeh, H.S. Shahhoseini, M. Mollajafari, “Gene-Labeling: A Novel GA-Based Technique for Robust and Sensitive Image Encryption,” 2017 25th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE).

[C3] M. Mollajafari, H.S. Shahhoseini, “Bubble-bursting: A Cost-Optimized Time-constrained Workflow Scheduling in Cloud Infrastructure with Resource Provisioning,” 21th Conference of Computer Society of Iran, 2015.

[C2M. Mollajafari, H.S. Shahhoseini, “Low-Complexity Time-Cost Compromised Scheduling of Workflow Applications in Infrastructure Clouds,” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Network of the Future, Montreal, Canada, 2015.

[C1M. Mollajafari, H.S. Shahhoseini, “Improving Execution Time of Scheduling Tasks onto Dynamically Reconfigurable Hardware Using Accelerated SA,” IEEE International Conference on Computer and Network Technology (ICCNT), pp. 13-28, 2011.
[B7] J. Hoseinzadeh, M. Mollajafari, Introduction of SDN networks and Openflow protocol, Dibagarn Publications, First Edition 2020.

[B6] H.S. Shahhoseini, S.M.R. Mousavi, M. Mollajafari, Evolutionary Algorithms; Principals, Applications and Implementation, Iran University of Science and Technology Publications, First Edition 2012, Second Edition 2017.

[B5] H.S. Shahhoseini, A.A. Ansari, M. Mollajafari, Information Technology and Basic Concepts of Information Society, Iran University of Science and Technology Publications, 2012.

[B4] H.S. Shahhoseini, A.H. Mohebali, M. Mollajafari, The Development of Information and Communication Technology at a Glance, Farhangian Publications, 2013.

[B3] H.S. Shahhoseini, A.H. Mohebali, M. Mollajafari, ICT and Private Sector Development, Farhangian Publications, 2013. 

[B2] H.S. Shahhoseini, A.H. Mohebali, M. Mollajafari, S. Chapnevis, A Guide to the Collection of Administrative Data on ICT, Farhangian Publications, 2013. 

[B1M. Mollajafari, A. Shokouhi, Modern Educational Technologies; A Review of its Usage in Schools Around the World, Farhangian Publications, 2018. 


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